Welton NEWS 

News and views from in and around Welton

What's going on in and around Welton?

Your Local Community

About Us

The Welton NEWS is a monthly magazine produced by and for the residents of Welton-by-Lincoln, a village about seven miles north-east of Lincoln in Lincolnshire. Issue 1 of the NEWS was distributed in June 1999 and it has been published every month since then, although during the 2020 pandemic and lockdown it was only published online for a period of three months. More than 2,000 copies are distributed free-of-charge to every household in Welton every month by a group of volunteers.

We are proud that the NEWS is entirely self-financed through advertising and is produced by a group of volunteers, enabling us to maintain independence from any single body or group. We thank everyone who advertises with us and allows us to continue. Please support our magazine by using our advertisers and mention the Welton NEWS when making enquiries to advertisers.

The Welton NEWS seeks to provide residents with regular updates on activities within the village in an interesting and easily readable format. This website allows readers to view previous issues and lets those who have left the village or who have connections to the village keep up with the latest news.

Residents who would like to get involved with the Welton NEWS should contact the editor to find out how they can do so. 

The Welton News Management Committee 

The committee is responsible for putting the NEWS together each month, making decisions about the content of the magazine, raising the money needed to pay for printing through advertising, deciding on the front cover photograph, ensuring that invoices are sent out and bills paid on time, organising distribution of the magazine and checking the final printed copy to see if improvements can be made for the next issue. Each member of the committee is actively involved in these processes.

The members of the committee are:

A group of willing volunteers distributes the magazine to over 2,000 homes in Welton every month. Without them, you would not receive your monthly ‘yellow book’.